Use BTC, ETH, or BCH to get a better rate

How it works

We're not a bank. Instead, we connect borrowers with investors through our online marketplace.


Borrowers put up BTC, ETH, or BCH as collateral. The more collateral, the better your rate! Check your rate.


BIVU screens borrowers, connects lenders, and holds collateral safely in cold storage.


Investors get great returns with less risk. Learn about investing.


Low risk. Great returns.

BIVU loans have $3-5 of BTC, ETH, or BCH held for every $1 you lend. This dramatically reduces your risk as we can liquidate the collateral if it starts falling.

Despite that, rates are in the 10-16% range for 12 month loans depending on the amount of collateral.

Sign up to get loan opportunities.



Security of funds and user information is our top priority. Our security team is continually improving our end-to-end security measures, improving auditing processes, and reducing the 'attack surface' of our infrastructure. Please note that we cannot disclose too many details of the security measures implemented on our platform for security and proprietary reasons.

Cryptocurrency Storage

Funds are stored in offline, cold wallets. As an added protection, the cold wallets are not available from the platform or the platform servers. The funds in offline cold storage require manual intervention by several members of our management to access.